Implementing a comprehensive 4-pronged approach (case management, supportive services, job training, and job placement assistance), Ready4Work is a year-long program focused on long-term participant success. “We have helped over 8,000 clients reconnect to the workforce, their families, and the community, and we are committed to creating a statewide network of reentry services throughout Florida.”

“With over 20 years’ experience in providing job readiness training and reentry services in Northeast Florida, we are excited to expand out work to the greater Orlando area,” said Operation New Hope’s Founder and CEO Kevin Gay. The new office will be home to our nationally recognized Ready4Work reentry program, which offers holistic solutions for returning citizens that include training, housing, transportation, and mental health services. Jacksonville, Florida – In celebration of Second Chance Month, Operation New Hope is excited to announce that we will be opening a new office in Orlando this summer to meet the needs of thousands in Central Florida who have been impacted by the criminal justice system. MaOperation New Hope Announces Ready4Work Central Florida